
Do you want to clear your name? We can help you.

"Do you have a debt review status, judgement's, blacklisting or defaults against your name? We can help you. Call (021) 205 1716 or Reply "YES" if you want us to contact you (on our business whatsapp 072 096 9341), to assist you to improve your credit score and save money at the same time. (Please leave your name & number where we can contact you during the day & state what time is best to call you when you reply "Yes" on our business whatsapp) - Kind Regards Kim Armfield & Associates ( ) Team, Prize Financial Solutions ( )

Finally it is here.An Insurance Stokvel Package for "Foreigners" (Our African brothers & sisters residing in South Africa only) for ONLY R280

Insurance Stokvel package for "FOREIGNERS" ( our African brothers & sisters residing in South Africa only) R280. Finally it is here. It's the only 1 of it's kind. Yes you heard right. We have an insurance stokvel package for "FOREIGNERS" ( our African brothers & sisters) residing in South Africa only. The stokvel insurance package consists of 3 SERVICES IN 1 PACKAGE, all for ONLY R280. The services consists of 1 - Transportation of the deceased body to the country of birth. 2 - Legal support & advice. 3 - R100 savings account Yes all 3 services for only R280 Call us (021) 205 1716 WhatsApp 072 096 9341 Email: Website : ( watch the video for more info of what the services include & the destinations that are covered in transporting the body of the deceased to their country of birth )

We have financial services that will get you out of debt quicker.

Are your creditors harassing you daily ? Are you having trouble paying your debt because of high installments. Are you having too much debt to pay, where your expenses is exceeding your income ? Through our financial services we can help you. We also consolidate all your debt into 1 affordable, reduced, monthly installment that you can afford to pay. We do removals of debt review statuses, judgements, blacklistings, defaults & do credit clearance. WhatsApp 072 096 9341 Ph (021) 205 1716 Website: (please sent(give/inbox) your name & phone number when you reply to our post in order for us to help you)

Do you need credit clearance, removals of debt review statuses, judgements, blacklistings, & defaults. We do it all. WhatsApp 072 096 9341 your name & number so we can contact you ?

If you need removals of debt review statuses, judgements, blacklistings, defaults & credit clearance then WhatsApp 072 096 9341 so we can help you.

Are your creditors harassing you daily ? Are you having trouble paying your debt because of high installments. Are having to much debt to pay, where your expences is exceeding your income ? Through our financial services we can help you We do removals of debt review statuses, judgements, blacklistings, defaults & do credit clearance. We also consolidate all your debt into 1 affordable, reduced, monthly installment you can afford to pay should you be over-indebted & can't afford to pay your monthly installments. Our attorneys Kim Armfield & Associates   (   will negotiate with your creditors on your behalf an amount that you can afford to pay every month towards your debt. WhatsApp  072 096 9341 Ph  (021) 205 1716 Email: Website: Prize Financial Solutions is the company you can trust

If you are over-indebted & falling behind with your debt repayments we can help you. Call us now (021) 205 1716

 If you are over-indebted and falling behind with your debt repayments, our lawyers can protect your assets by arranging a structured, affordable repayment plan for your outstanding debt by consolidating all your debt into 1 affordable monthly installment.  Yes we can consolidate all your debt into one affordable monthly installment and reduce your interest rates, based on your budget & credit report & what you can afford to pay toward your debt.  This debt protection is part of the National Credit Act to protect consumers & their assets stopping creditors from repossessing the consumers assets.  Creditors cannot take legal action against you if you go under our services because you will be legally protected by our lawyers Kim Armfield & Associates. This means that aside from the protection of your assets, you will also end up paying less for your debt on a monthly basis which will give you financial freedom to spent your money on your ...