Debt Consolidation is not a loan, its a service whereby all your installments is reduced into 1 installment causing you not to be flagged on ITC(credit bureau) & you can still get a loan while being under this service.

Debt Consolidation is not a loan.Your accounts will be reduced into 1 installment not flagging you

What is Debt Consolidation ?

  • Debt Consolidation is a process whereby we consolidate your monthly installments into 1 reduced installment.
  • Going under Debt Consolidation you can decide what accounts to include or exclude from this service.
  • While being under Debt Consolidation you cannot(will not) be flagged on ITC(credit bureau).
  • While being under Debt Consolidation you can(will) build up your credit score.
  • Under Debt Consolidation you will still be able to get a loan from other creditors.

What will happen when you sign up for our service Debt Consolidation?

* You will be legally protected by an attorney, Kim Armfield & Associates(, our service provider.
* The attorneys will mediate & negotiate on your behalf to reduce your monthly installments with your creditors to allow you financial freedom.
* As all your installments will be reduced into 1 monthly installment it will give you financial peace of mind.
* You won’t have to deal with any creditors concerning your monthly installments because an attorney will liaise with your creditors as you pay your finances (payment) into a lawyer’s trust fund where your finances are secure.
* The attorneys will see to it that your installments (creditors) are payed to date.
* If any creditor harasses you, you have the right not to deal with them.
* The attorneys will deal with them.
* You don’t need to appear in court.
(This service will assign an attorney that will be the mediator on your behalf between you & your creditors)

When can you go under Debt Consolidation?

* Where you are married in community of property(ICP) & the one spouse don't want to be part of Debt Review;
* Where you already received a Summons on a number of your accounts;
* Where you have already been under Debt Review, has fallen out of Debt Review(for whatever reason), but is still not able to pay the required installments on all your accounts;
* Where you do not want your bond & car included;
* Where you do not want Debt Review but needs help.

Who qualifies for our financial services?

* All natural persons(i.e. not companies) qualify for our services.
* If you are over-indebted you can make use of our services.
* To be over-indebted means that your monthly expences,with your debt,exceeds your income(earnings).
* Married couples must apply jointly if they are married in communion of property & provide their joint income & expences.

Prize Financial Solutions is the company you can trust.
Sign up for our services so that we can get you legally protected against your creditors.
Call (021) 205 1716
Whats App 072 096 9341(please sent your name & number when responding)


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